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The Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Justin Muturi hosts Parliamentary Delegation from the Islamic Parliament of Iran.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Justin Muturi, this afternoon met with the Parliamentary Delegation from the Islamic Parliament of Iran led by the chairman HE Ahmad Salek Kashani and MPs the Islamic Parliament of Iran who are Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture. The Islamic Republic of Iran Ambassador to Kenya HE (Dr) Hadi Farajvan and the Embassy's Counsellor for Culture Mr. Mahmoud Majlesain accompanied the delegation.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Justin Muturi hosts the Arab's Parliament Special Envoy, Hon. Soufien Toubal.

The Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Justin Muturi, earlier this morning had a fruitful meeting with the Special Envoy of the Arab Parliament Hon. Soufien Toubal who delivered a message of goodwill from President of the Arab Parliament H.E. (Dr) Mishal F. Sulami.

The Speaker and the envoy reiterated the need for further engagement between the Arab Parliament and the PAN - African Parliament, and further suggested stronger ties between the Kenyan Parliament and the Tunisian Parliament, where Hon. Soufien Toubal comes from.

The Joint Select Committee on Election-Related Laws Public Hearings

The Joint Select Committee on Election-Related Laws has commenced Public Hearings in regards to the two Bills that are currently before the two Houses.

The committee co-chaired by Baringo North MP, Hon. William Cheptumo and Isiolo Senator, Sen. Fatuma Dullo has been conducting hearings in accordance with Article 118, that provides for public participation in the Legislative Process.

The National Assembly Prioritizes Key Business Ahead Of Elections

In view of the short time remaining before the next General Elections, the House Business Committee of the National Assembly has prioritised to conclude the following -

1. Approval of the Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2017/2018 and the Medium Term.
2. The Division of Revenue Bill, 2017 and the CountyAllocation of Revenue Bill, 2017.
3. Consideration all Election-Related Regulations, including-
(i) The proposed Elections (Technology) Regulations, 2017;
(ii) The proposed Elections (Voter Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017;

The National Assembly Prioritizes Key Business Ahead Of Elections

In view of the short time remaining before the next General Elections, the House Business Committee of the National Assembly has prioritised to conclude the following -

1. Approval of the Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2017/2018 and the Medium Term.
2. The Division of Revenue Bill, 2017 and the CountyAllocation of Revenue Bill, 2017.
3. Consideration all Election-Related Regulations, including-
(i) The proposed Elections (Technology) Regulations, 2017;
(ii) The proposed Elections (Voter Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017;

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