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Audit, Appropriations and Other Select Committees


  1. House Business Committee (HBC)

The Committee is established under Standing Order 171.

Mandate: The House Business Committee is responsible for preparing the Parliamentary calendar, monitoring and overseeing the implementation of the House Business and programs, Implementing the Standing Orders, and determining the order in which the reports of Committees shall be debated in the House. The Committee is also mandated to nominate members to the committee on appointments.

Membership: The Committee comprises the Speaker as Chairperson, the Leader of the Majority Party, the Leader of the Minority Party, the Whip of the Majority Party, the Whip of the Minority Party, and nine (9) other Members.

Tenure: The Committee is appointed every Session.


  1. Committee on Selection

The Committee is established under Standing Order 172.

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for nominating Members to serve in committees, in consultation with parliamentary parties, except for the membership of the House Business Committee and Committee on Appointments.

Membership: The Committee comprises of the Leader of the Majority Party as Chairperson, the Leader of the Minority Party, and not less than eleven (11) and not more than twenty-one Members.


  1. Committee on Appointments

The Committee on Appointments is established under Standing Order 204.

Mandate: The Committee considers, for approval by the House, appointments under Article (152(2) of the Constitution (Cabinet Secretaries).

Membership: The Committee comprises of the Speaker as a Chairperson, the Deputy Speaker, the Leader of the Majority Party, the Leader of the Minority party, the Deputy Leader of the Majority Party, the Deputy Leader of the Minority party and not more than fifteen other Members nominated by the House Business Committee.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of parliament.


  1. Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC)

The Committee is established under Standing Order 205.

Mandate: The primary mandate of PAC is to examine the accounts showing the appropriations of the sum voted by the House to meet the public expenditure and of such other accounts laid before the House for Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Commissions, and Independent Offices.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other Members. The Chairperson shall be elected from parties not forming the national government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National  Government have a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Special Fund Accounts Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 205A.

Mandate: The Committee examines the reports of the Auditor General on the Equalization Fund, the Equalization Fund Advisory Board, the Political Parties Fund, and Funds established by statute or by subsidiary legislation, except funds under Standing Order 205B.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other Members. The chairperson shall so far as is practicable, be an Independent.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a majority of one.


  1. Decentralized Funds Accounts Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Orders 205B.

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for the examination of the reports of the Auditor General on the accounts of the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (290 constituencies); the National Government Constituencies Development Fund Board; the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (47 County constituencies); and the National Government Affirmative Action Fund Board.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other Members. The chairperson is elected from among Members of the Committee belonging parties not  forming the National Government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a   majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Public Investments Committee on Governance and Education

This Committee is established under Standing Order 206.

Mandate: The Committee examines the reports of the Auditor General on public investments and the reports and accounts of public investments in the Education, Defense, Governance, Justice and Law and Order sectors.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other Members. The chairperson is elected from among Members of the Committee belonging parties not forming the National Government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years,  and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Public Investments Committee on Commercial Affairs and Energy

The Committee is established under Standing Order 206 A.

Mandate: The Committee examines the reports of the Auditor General on public investments and the reports and accounts of public investments in the Energy, Environment and        General Economic and Commercial Affairs sectors.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other members. The Chairperson is elected from among Members of the Committee belonging parties not forming the National Government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Public Investments Committee on Social Services, Administration and Agriculture

The Committee is established under Standing Order 206 B.

Mandate: The Committee examines the reports of the Auditor General on public investments and the reports and accounts of public investments in the Agriculture, Public Administration, Health, and Social Protection sectors.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other members. The chairperson is elected from among Members of the Committee belonging parties not forming the National Government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Budget and Appropriations Committee (BAC)

The Committee is established under Standing Order 207.

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to investigate, inquire into, report on all matters related to coordination, control, and monitoring of the national budget; review the estimates; examine the Budget Policy Statement; examine Bills related to the national budget, including Appropriations Bills; and evaluate tax estimates, economic and budgetary policies and programs with direct budget outlays.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson, and not more than twenty-six (26) other Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar    years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Public Debt and Privatization Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 207A.

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for the oversight and examination of all matters public debt,     public private partnerships, and privatization of public assets, national government borrowing and use and repayment of national loans.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and fourteen (14) other Members. The chairperson is elected from members of parties not forming the National Government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a  majority of one

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Procedure and House Rules Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 208.

Mandate: The Committee shall consider and report on all matters relating to the Standing Orders and may make proposals for amendments to the Standing Orders. The Committee may also propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of committee business and any such rules.

Membership: The Committee comprises of the Speaker as Chairperson, the Deputy Speaker, members of the Chairperson’s Panel and not more than thirteen other Members. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have      a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Public Petitions Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 208 (A).

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for considering and advising on all public petitions tabled in the House, and making appropriate recommendations with respect to the prayers sought in the petitions including recommending debate of a petition in the House.

Membership: The Committee comprises of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other  Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar    years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Diaspora Affairs and Migrant Workers Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 208 (B).

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for considering all matters directly relating to policies and programs for the protection of the rights and welfare of Kenyans in the diaspora and   examining such policies and programs.

Membership: The Committee comprises of a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other   Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Committee on Implementation

The Committee is established under the Standing Order 209.

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to scrutinize the resolutions of the House (including adopted committee reports), petitions and the undertakings given by the National Executive. It examines whether or not such decisions and undertakings have been implemented and where implemented, the extent to which they have been implemented and whether such implementation has taken place within the minimum time necessary.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than twenty (20) other   Members, who shall be elected from parties not forming the national government. In its membership, parties other than parliamentary parties forming the National Government have a majority of one.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Committee on Delegated Legislation

The Committee is established under Standing Order 210.

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to consider statutory instruments submitted to Parliament. The Committee considers whether any statutory instrument submitted, is in accordance with the Constitution, the Act under which it is made, or other relevant written laws, or infringes on fundamental rights and freedoms of the public. It also considers whether statutory instruments submitted contains a matter, which should properly be dealt with in an Act of Parliament, directly or indirectly bars the jurisdiction of the court, among other issues.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than twenty (20) other  Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar   years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Committee on Regional Integration.

The Committee is established under the Standing Order 212.

Mandate: The Committee is tasked with appraising the House on regional integration matters that require action by the House. Among the key action areas of the Committee, include enhancing the  role of Parliament in the integration process in the East African region, Pan African Parliament, the African, Caribbean and Pacific-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly and other regional integration bodies.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than twenty (20) other  Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar  years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Committee on Members’ Services and Facilities

The Committee is established pursuant to the Standing Order No. 212B.

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to receive and consider the views of Members of the National Assembly on the services and facilities provided by the Parliamentary Service Commission, advise, and report on all matters connected to these services and facilities, among others.

Membership: The Committee comprises a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other  Members.

Tenure: The Committee is constituted every Session.


  1. Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity

The Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity is established under Standing Order 212 (C).

Mandate: The Committee is charged with the responsibility of monitoring and promoting measures relating to policy and program initiatives in pursuit of peace and national cohesion. The Committee also investigates and reports on all matters relating to inter-community cohesion, monitors and promote measures designed to enhance the equalization of opportunities and improvement in the quality of life and status of all persons. These include persons who are marginalized based on gender, age, disability, health status, ethnic, racial, cultural or religious background or affiliation, or any other such ground.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than twenty (20) other   Members.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar     years, and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Committee on Parliamentary Broadcasting and Library

The Committee is established under Standing Order 212D.

Mandate: The Committee is responsible for overseeing all matters relating to broadcasting of the proceedings of the House, advise the House on matters related to public participation, prepare reports and recommendations to the House, including proposed legislation on broadcasting of House proceedings, and advise the House and Members on the use and provision of library and research services.

Membership: The Committee consists of a Chairperson and not more than twenty (20) other    Members.


  1. National Government Constituencies Development Fund Committee

The Committee is established pursuant to section 50 of the NG-CDF Act of 2015.

Mandate: The Committee oversees the implementation of the NGCDF Act, 2015. The Committee is also mandated to submit reports to the national assembly on a biannual basis proposing amendments if any on the Act with respect to the quantum of funds repayable into the Fund. The Committee also oversees the policy framework and legislative matters that may arise in relation to the Fund.

Membership: The Committee comprises of consisting of a Chairperson and not more than eighteen (18) other Members of the National Assembly.

Tenure: The Committee constituted following a General Election serves for three (3) calendar years,    and the one constituted thereafter serves for the remainder of the term of Parliament.


  1. Liaison Committee

The Committee is established under Standing Order 217.

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to guide and coordinate the operations, policies and mandates of all committees. It also deliberates on and apportions the annual operating budget among committees, consider the programs of all committees, including their need to travel and sit away from the precincts of Parliament among other issues. The Committee is further mandated to consider reports of committees that have not been deliberated by the House and report to the House on the consideration of such reports.

Membership: The Committee comprises of the Deputy Speaker as the Chairperson, a Member of  the Chairperson’s Panel who also is the First Chairperson of Committees who shall be the Vice-Chairperson and the Chairpersons of all committees of the House.


  1. Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee (CIOC)

The committee is established the constitution of Kenya, 2010 (Sixth Schedule – Part I, Section IV)

Mandate: The Committee is mandated to oversee the implementation of the Constitution and    among other things.

Membership: The Committee comprises a Chairperson and not more than fourteen (14) other Members


  1. Committee on Powers and Privileges

The Committee on Powers and Privileges is established under Section 15 of the Parliamentary Powers and privileges Act, of 2017.

Mandate: This Committee is responsible for inquiring into the conduct of a Member of the National Assembly whose conduct is alleged to constitute a breach of privilege in terms of Section 16 of the Parliamentary Powers and privileges Act, 2017.

Membership: The Committee is composed of fourteen (14) Members and the     Speaker as the Chairperson.