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Kenya and Hungary Seek to Entrench Closer Relations.

The Speaker of the National Assembly   of Hungary  H.E. László Kövér, has invited Kenya to strongly consider opening an embassy in Budapest, Hungary, as an entry point to serve Kenya’s interest in East and Central Europe. His call comes amid flourishing relations between Bucharest and Nairobi, which have gained momentum in the last few months, culminating to yesterday's state visit by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon.Justin Muturi. This deepening cooperation has further paved way for a 100 annual scholarships for Kenyan students.

The inaugural Africa Parliamentary Researchers Conference

The inaugural African Parliamentary Researchers Conference brings together research officers serving in Parliaments in Africa at both the national and sub-national levels.  Invitation to the Conference is open to Researchers serving in National Parliaments and in State, Provincial or County Legislatures as well as other interested research institutions, local Universities and individual researchers. 

East African Parliamentary Institute Launched

The East African Community and Kenya in particular, today celebrated a great milestone as Speakers and their representatives from the regional legislatures met in Nairobi to witness the launch of the East African Parliamentary Institute.

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