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Papers Laid

FY 2024-2025 Vol.-II-Dev-Supplementary-I-1104-2111
FY 2024-2025 Vol.-I-Dev-Supplementary-I-1011-1095
FY2024-25-Programme Based Budget-Supplementary-1
FY 2024-2025 Recurrent-Supplementary-I-1011-2151
Report on the Consideration of the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure FY 2024 2025.pdf
17.05.2024 Notification No. 5 of 2024 on Senate Amendments to the National Rating Bill, 2022
17.05.2024 Notification No. 4 of 2024 Appointment of Senators to the Mediation Committee on Division of Revenue Bill, 2024
Report of the Select Committee on the Proposed Dismissal of Hon. Mithika Linturi, CS Agriculture.pdf
Judiciary MTEF Budget Report FY 2024-25 - 2026 -27.pdf
Judicial service commission sub sector report FY 2024 -25 -2026-27.pdf
APNAC Strategic plan 2024 - 2028
Judicial Service Commission Program based Budget FY 2024-2025 -2026-2027.pdf
Report of the Auditor-General on Agricultural Development Corporation for the year ended 30 June 2023
The Affordable Housing Regulations 2024
Judicial service tribunal to inquire into the conduct of justice mohamed noor rules of procedure 2024
Report of Finance Committee on the Multilateral Convention to Implement tax treaty measures to prevent base erosion and profit s
letter - Judicial service tribunal to inquire into the conduct of justice mohamed noor rules of procedure 2024
Kenya policy on public participation sessional paper no.3 Dec 2023
Capital markets regulations, 2023 (LN NO. 170 OF 2023, LN NO. 171 OF 2023, LN NO. 172 OF 2023 AND LN NO. 173 OF 2023)
Refugees generl regulations 2024
PFM Wildlife conservation Trust Fund Regulations 2023
Report of the Mediation Committee on the County Governments Additional Allocation Bill NA Bill 2023
2024 Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy
2024 Budget Policy Statement 2

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