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Hungary 1


Kenya – Hungary to enhance parliamentary engagements for the benefits of the two countries.

The Speaker of the National Assembly the Rt. Hon. (Sen.) (Dr.) Moses F. M. Wetang'ula, EGH, is hosting his counterpart the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Hon. Laszlo Kover for parliamentary diplomacy talks between the two countries. Kover is in       the country for a week – long visit as the first ever Hungarian Speaker to visit Kenya on official engagement.

While welcoming his guests, Speaker Wetang’ula commended the role played by the Hungarian government on provision of the running 200 education scholarships which he said will help transform the lives of the people through acquisition of high level specialized   skills in various fields.

Hon. Wetag’ula further appreciated the Hungarian government for engaging Kenya in various development programs saying that the two countries have a long standing cordial relationship. He acknowledged the Hungarian Ambassador to Kenya, H.E, Ambassador Zsolt Meszaros saying that he has been instrumental in enhancing the collaborations of the two countries.

Speaker Wetang’ula underscored the importance of strengthening bilateral relationship with the Hungarian Parliament saying that through the workings of Members of Parliament from both sides; Kenya & Hungary, the two countries will make tremendous progress in exchange of knowledge and ideas on potential areas of trade including Trade, Agriculture, Education, Technology, Security and Tourism.

“Parliament to Parliament association are key to feed into the bigger picture of country- country bilateral engagements on various initiatives including doing business as Kenya is working towards expanding her trading partnerships”, said Speaker Wetang’ula.    

The Speaker called upon members of the Hungary – Kenya Friendship Group to collaborate more and leverage into existing opportunities including trainings and exchange programmes to enable members learn from each other.

The Speaker highlighted the role played by the National Assembly to include legislation, oversight, representation and further informed the delegation that the assembly performs an important task in budget making and audit of government expenditures.

On his part, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Hon. Laszlo Kover extended his gratitude to the Parliament of Kenya pointing out that he was in the country as the first Speaker from Hungary on official visit. He also acknowledged the visit made to Hungary by Speaker Emeritus Hon. Justin Muturi who is now Kenya’s Attorney General saying that his visit to Hungary ignited the relationship and engagement among the two countries.

Speaker Laszlo Kover lauded his host, Speaker Wetang’ula for extending warm gestures to him and his delegation. He noted that Parliaments have a great and very unique role to play in bilateral relations among countries and encouraged the Members of Parliament to continue with their engagements beyond the meeting saying that it through such initiatives that countries’ development milestones are achieved. 

“Kenya and Hungary enjoy a cordial relationship seen and felt through the current engagements through education and other programmes. Strengthening the Kenya-Hungarian Parliamentary Group will even make it better”, said Speaker Kover.

He commended Kenya for great progress in development saying that Kenya has been at the forefront in helping stabilize other African state which he said sign of great leadership.

Speaker Kover called upon more innovations on dealing with global changes which include Terrorism, climate change, world conflicts among others in order to make the world a better, safe and peaceful environment for all.

Speaker Kover is in Kenya for various official engagements geared towards strengthening the relationships between Kenya and Hungary.  He is accompanied by; Laszlo Veress, State Secretary, Peter Sardi, State Secretary, Zoltan Szilagyi, Head of Communications, Andrea Rohaly, Translator.  

Dr. Wetang’ula has encourage his guests to enjoy the  warm Kenyan hospitality and find time to visit tourist sites including parks to enjoy a closer view of the wildlife.

Speaker Wetang’ula was accompanied by; Hon. Martha Wangari, Hon. John Chikati, Hon. Christopher Aseka, Hon. David Ochieng, Hon. Geoffrey Mulanya  and the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr. Samuel Njoroge.