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The Departmental Committee on Defence, Intelligence and Foreign Relations met with the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Principal Secretary for Defence, Hon. Patrick Mariru, Vice Chief of Defence Forces, Lt. Gen J. M. Omenda and, Cabinet Secretary for EAC, the ASALs and Regional Development, Ms. Peninah Malonza. The team appeared before the Committee chaired by Hon. Nelson Koech (Belgut) to discuss the budgets of the two Ministries.

ย Members sought to be given a detailed explanation for spending irregularities, and proposed budget increases in relation to the Revenue and Expenditure Estimates (2024/25 FY) and Supplementary Estimates II for FY 2023/24.

ย Officials from the State Department for Foreign Affairs (SDFA) were asked questions regarding proposed budget increases for personnel emoluments and headquarters operations, alongside a reduction in funding for overseas missions.

ย "Can the PS justify the increase in headquarter operations and a reduction in missionsโ€™ operations compared to the approved 2024 BPS amount?" asked Hon. Kwenya Thuku (Kinangop).

ย Hon. Mudavadi explained that the increased allocation is crucial for Kenya's overarching commitment to fortify its stature as a regional and continental powerhouse.

ย Members also sought to know the reason for Kshs.350 million increase in the project's budget and the initial failure to procure a conveyancing lawyer, which invalidated a previous tender.ย ย 

ย Saboti MP, Hon. Caleb Amisi pointed out that delayed disbursements to missions abroad have negatively impacted staff morale and service delivery. He asked the PS for Diaspora to explain how this was being addressed.

ย Hon. Koech said that addressing past disruptions in disbursement of Kenyan missions abroad should be a priority.

ย โ€œWe seek to understand the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure timely funding reaches our missions,โ€ he said.

ย In a separate meeting, the Committee scrutinized the Ministry of Defence proposed allocation of Kshs.168.09 billion for FY 2024/25.

ย Regarding the Kshs.6.5 billion supplementary allocations, Members directed the PS, Hon. Mariru to provide a breakdown of how the funds will be utilized.

"We need a detailed breakdown of how these funds will be utilized,"ย Hon. (Rtd. Maj) Bashir Abdullahi (Mandera North) said.

ย Gilgil MP, Hon. Martha Wangari sought to know the details on the status of modernization of equipment.

ย Members acknowledged and appreciated the Kenya Defence Force (KDF) for theirย role in the rescue operations during the recent flooding and in other national emergencies.ย 

ย Regarding the State Department on East African Community (SDEAC), Members told CS Malonza to be more proactive in implementation of programmes related to participation, implementation of the EAC regional programmes and promoting the EAC integration process.

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