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Live Coverage of Parliamentary Business in both Houses is set for a major upgrade, following a consensus between two key stakeholders on the urgency of the revamp.

The Parliamentary Service Commission Committee on Information and Public Communications and the Hon. David Nanok-chaired Committee on Parliamentary Broadcasting and Library deliberated on a short-term and long-term plan for the roll-out of the revamp.

According to the PSC team, the plan includes an upgrade of the technical infrastructure, the purchase of additional equipment and frequencies as well as recruitment of more staff to boost the unit.

Director General of the  Parliamentary Joint Services Mr. Clement Nyandiere told Members, that revamp of the broadcast would also incorporate live coverage of Committee activities within and outside Parliament for both Houses.

Hon. Mboko said this revamp plan was in line with the Commission's strategic plan to enhance public participation in the legislative work of Parliament.

"I will be putting a strong case for the necessary allocations, before the Budget and Appropriations Committee, because this is very important for us as members and the people that we represent," said Hon. Mboko.

Hon. Nanok questioned why it had taken too long to revamp the broadcast services to run independently of National Broadcaster KBC which has been facilitating the plenary live coverage since 2008.

"The broadcasting service approach from the public participation aspect is extremely important. At the Commission level it should actually rank as important as paying salaries," said Hon. Nanok.

Commission Secretary who is also Clerk to the Senate Mr. Jeremiah Nyegenye, explained that there had been budgetary constraints during past attempts to make allocations for the revamp project.

Other Commissioners who attended the meeting were Hon. Rachel Ameso, Sen. John Kinyua, Sen. Okong'o Omogeni, Sen. Muthama, and Hon. Mohamed Ali who followed the proceedings online.

The two Committees resolved to undertake more deliberations to hasten rollout of the project.

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