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As lawmakers resume for the second session of the 13th Parliament, the Public Investments Committee on Social Services, Administration and Agriculture has this morning held a meeting to adopt a working framework on the busy schedule ahead. 

Top on the Agenda are audit queries for various government parastatals whose mandates fall within the Committee, in accordance with the auditor general's report. 

The chairman of the committee, Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo)  shared the list of the parastatal heads to be summoned for the audit activity that has been scheduled to run for one month. 

"We will summon a number of CEO's manning these parastatals beginning -Feb 23rd - with the CEO National cereals and produce board to consider audit report for FY 2018/19 and FY 2020/21", said Hon. Wangwe. 

Other CEOs to be summoned are those heading the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate services (KEPHIS) scheduled for March 2nd, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research organisation (KARLO) to appear on March 7th, CEO the National Drought Management Authority on 9th March, Director-General of Agricultural and Food Authority on March 14th, the CEO of Kenya Seed Company Ltd and its subsidiaries-on March 16th, the CEO of the Nzoia Sugar company Ltd-on March 21st, and the CEO of the Kenya Diary Board all expected to respond to queries emanating from the audit report of the FY 2019/20. 

Many other parastatal chiefs will be summoned bringing the total number of parastatals scheduled to appear before this committee to 23.

As lawmakers resume for the second session of the 13th Parliament, the Public Investments Committee on Social Services, Administration and Agriculture has this morning held a meeting to adopt a working framework on the busy schedule ahead. 

Top on the Agenda are audit queries for various government parastatals whose mandates fall within the Committee, in accordance with the auditor general's report. 

The chairman of the committee, Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo)  shared the list of the parastatal heads to be summoned for the audit activity that has been scheduled to run for one month.  

"We will summon a number of CEO's manning these parastatals beginning -Feb 23rd - with the CEO National cereals and produce board to consider audit report for FY 2018/19 and FY 2020/21", said Hon. Wangwe. 

Other CEOs to be summoned are those heading the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate services (KEPHIS) scheduled for March 2nd, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research organisation (KARLO) to appear on March 7th, CEO the National Drought Management Authority on 9th March, Director-General of Agricultural and Food Authority on March 14th, the CEO of Kenya Seed Company Ltd and its subsidiaries-on March 16th, the CEO of the Nzoia Sugar company Ltd-on March 21st, and the CEO of the Kenya Diary Board all expected to respond to queries emanating from the audit report of the FY 2019/20. 

Many other parastatal chiefs will be summoned bringing the total number of parastatals scheduled to appear before this committee to 23.

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