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Opening of the thirteenth Parliament

WHEREAS, Article 132 (1)(a) of the Constitution requires the President to address the opening of each newly elected Parliament;

AND WHEREAS, following a notification by H.E. the President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, H.E. (Dr.) William S. Ruto, CGH, the Speaker of the National Assembly and the Speaker of the Senate have scheduled a joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament to take place on Thursday, 29 th September, 2022 commencing at 2.30 pm for purposes of opening of the 13th Parliament;

FURTHER WHEREAS, Standing Order 22(2) of the National Assembly Standing Orders and Standing Order 25(2) of the Senate Standing Orders require the Speakers of the Houses of Parliament to notify Members of the place, date and time of a joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament convened under Article 132(1) of the Constitution.

NOW THEREFORE, all Members of Parliament and the general public are hereby notified that the Opening of the Thirteenth Parliament shall be held in the National Assembly Chamber, Main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi, on Thursday, 29th  September, 2022 at 2.30 pm.