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Senate of Kenya and Council of Governors (COG) inaugural meeting

Senate of Kenya and Council of Governors (COG) inaugural meeting

Thursday 17th February 2022 marked the beginning of a stronger partnership between the Senate and Council of Governors (COG) following an inaugural meeting between the two institutions. The Senate Liaison Office organised a courtesy visit by the CEO of COG, Ms Mary Mwiti, to the Clerk of the Senate/Secretary, Parliamentary Service Commission, Mr Jeremiah Nyegenye, to discuss ways to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions.

The COG is one of the Senate's most important and strategic partners in executing its mandate to safeguard devolution. Collaboration between the Senate and COG has seen both institutions achieve great strides in protecting devolution and furthering county governments' interests.

As the Senate prepares for the end of the second Senate and County governments' second dispensation, the Clerk of the Senate highlighted the opportunity for COG and Senate to meet and discuss ways to mitigate the anticipated challenges during the transition to the third cycle of devolution and explore avenues for more robust engagement.

The meeting provided a platform for reflections on what has worked and what both institutions can do better. In addition, the technical staff exchanged critical ideas on developing a realistic framework for collaboration. The Head, Senate Liaison Office, Dr Brightone Buchere, is the Senate designated person to lead the implementation of the resolutions from the meeting.

Thursday 17th February 2022 marked the beginning of a stronger partnership between the Senate and Council of Governors (COG) following an inaugural meeting between the two institutions. The Senate Liaison Office organised a courtesy visit by the CEO of COG, Ms Mary Mwiti, to the Clerk of the Senate/Secretary, Parliamentary Service Commission, Mr Jeremiah Nyegenye, to discuss ways to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions.

The COG is one of the Senate's most important and strategic partners in executing its mandate to safeguard devolution. Collaboration between the Senate and COG has seen both institutions achieve great strides in protecting devolution and furthering county governments' interests.

As the Senate prepares for the end of the second Senate and County governments' second dispensation, the Clerk of the Senate highlighted the opportunity for COG and Senate to meet and discuss ways to mitigate the anticipated challenges during the transition to the third cycle of devolution and explore avenues for more robust engagement.

The meeting provided a platform for reflections on what has worked and what both institutions can do better. In addition, the technical staff exchanged critical ideas on developing a realistic framework for collaboration. The Head, Senate Liaison Office, Dr Brightone Buchere, is the Senate designated person to lead the implementation of the resolutions from the meeting.

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