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Parliament to consider Former Senator Johnstone Muthama’s nomination to PSC

Parliament to consider Former Senator Johnstone Muthama’s nomination to PSC

A Report on the proposed appointment of former Machakos Senator Johnston Muthama as a Member of the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) has been tabled in the National Assembly..

The Report was tabled yesterday in accordance with the provisions of Article 127 of the Constitution and section 9 of the Parliamentary Service Act, 2019, that requires Parliament to appoint a person (male) as a Member of the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC).

If approved by both Houses of Parliament, Senator Muthama, who currently serves as United Democratic Alliance (UDA) chairperson, will replace Hon. Samuel Chepkong’a, who resigned in February to contest for the Ainabkoi Constituency Parliamentary seat during the last year’s General Elections.

Article 127(2)(d) of the Constitution provides for the appointment of two (2) persons; a man and a woman, from among persons who have experience in public affairs, but are not Members of Parliament, to the Parliamentary Service Commission.

In his guidance to the House Tuesday afternoon, the Speaker of the National Assembly Rt. Hon. Moses Wetang'ula said unlike the usual procedure for consideration of nominees to serve in other statutory and constitutional bodies where Parliamentary Committees participate in the appointment processes by way of vetting and approval of appointment, in the case of the Parliamentary Service Commission, the appointment is by Parliament itself.

“Moreover, the Houses of Parliament have now established a practice that, save for the Chairperson, all other Members of the Commission are appointed by the Houses of Parliament. This implies that the recruitment process undertaken by the Commission serves the purpose of vetting the proposed appointee and the person stands appointed once both Houses approve the nomination,” said Speaker Wetang’ula.

Consequently, Speaker Wetang’ula said the House will consider the Special Motion tabled by Nyandarua Women representative, who doubles as a Member Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) on behalf of the Commission, and the attendant Notice of Motion.

“I call upon the House Business Committee to schedule the Motion at the earliest opportunity for expeditious consideration by the House, acknowledging that the Senate will also consider the nominee, so as to ensure that the Commission is fully constituted,” he held.

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