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The Managing Director, National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) was this morning taken to task over a myriad of issues affecting the board and for the board’s lackluster response to farmers’ need. The MD Mr. Joseph Kimote was appearing before the National Assembly’s Committee on Public investments, Social Services, Administration and Agriculture to respond to audit queries emanating from the audited accounts for the Financial Year 2018/2019. 

The Committee chaired by Hon. Emanuel Wangwe had invited the management of the organization to shed light on 17 Audit queries raised in the Auditor General’s report for the year ended 30th June 2019.

These included unreconciled Bank and check balances,unreconciled and unsupported Bank overdrafts and the availability, status and value of NCPB land parcels. 

In his response, the MD Joseph Kimote together with his team from the finance department cited a number of challenges the institution has been going through. This was after it was evident before the committee they had challenges addressing the audit questions before them. 

Mr. Kimote pointed out the issue of capacity gaps among the staff, staff layoff and lack of training for their staff as some of the difficulties the board has faced in the recent past.

 “We may not have the very qualified accountants to be able to take the institution to the next level. We have budgetary challenges, government debts and our staff have no much exposure as there’s hasn’t been funds to build their capacity. We therefore plead with this Committee to help us sort this issues” Kimote went ahead to point out pleading for the committee’s intervention. 

With regard to the query on safeguarding the land owned by NCPB, MD Kimote pointed out that they are working out a process to acquire title deeds since the parcels were acquired by government through compulsory acquisition. He however assured the Committee that all the initial documents are intact.   

The Committee through the vice chair Hon. Caleb Hamisi also sought to know the amount of maize the institution had reserved and the plans they have to purchase maize from farmers. In his response, Mr. Kimote dusclosed that currently NCPB is open to buying farmers maize at a price of Kshs. 5,600 from Kshs. 5,100 previously for a 90 kg bag. 

With regard to the availability of fertilizer to farmers, he apprised the Members that they board had procured enough fertilizer and is already using E- Agencies to help reach out to farmers. This, he noted is fertilizer for different food crops such as Maize, tea, potato. 

The Auditors General’s office was represented by Khadija Aligonyo, the Deputy Director in the office of the Auditor General. 

The next sitting is slated for 28th March this year.

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