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The National Assembly resumes sittings after a one month recess

The National Assembly resumes sittings after a one month recess

The National Assembly resumes sittings after a one month recess. This is the last sitting for the 11th parliament ahead of the next general elections slated for August 8, 2017. Members are expected to hold sittings for the next one month until June 15,2017 when the House is expected to adjourn Sine Die (indefinitely). The Senate on the other hand will resume on June 13 and sit for three days until June 15, 2017 before adjourning indefinitely. Prioritized business for the National Assembly until June 15 include: 1. The Finance Bill, 2017 To provide revenue-raising measures for the 2017/2018 financial year 2. The Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2017- To harmonize the Insurance Act in line with the proposals announced in the Budget for 2017/2018, and also provide for validity of insurer's licence until its revocation, and enhance the penalty for operating without registration. 3. The Health Bill, 2015 (Mediated version)-To consolidate health-related matters into one Bill for ease. [bill has been pending for 2 yrs 4.The Division of Revenue Bill, 2017 (Mediated version) To divide revenue raised nationally between the national and county governments [bill under] 5. The County Allocation of Revenue Bill, 2017- To divide revenue allocated to counties between the various county governments [Currently in the Senate] 6. A Bill to amend the Constitution to actualize the two-third gender rule (introduced by the Leader of the Majority Party) to ensure that no more than two-thirds of the Members of Parliament are of one gender 7. Election of Members to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Current term of EALA members expires on June 4, 2017 8. Amendments to the Standing Orders To conduct a comprehensive review of the current Standing Orders, given various proposals advanced by the Procedure & House Rules Committee before the end of the 11th Parliament for use in the next House. 9. The Nairobi International Financial Centre Bill, 2017 To establish a Nairobi international Financial Centre 10.The Legal Metrology Bill, 2017 To amend the current Weights and Measures Act to harmonize it with substantive changes that have occurred in the science of measurement (metrology) including addition of areas not initially provided for. 11.The President’s Award Bill, 2017 To provide a legal framework for the President’s award programme currently held in secondary schools 12. The Assumption to office of the Governor Bill, 2016 To provide for the structured handover of office from one Governor to the next. The Bill is currently in the Senate. 13. The Physical Planning Bill, 2015 To provide for the planning, use, regulation and development of land, and repeal and replace the Physical Planning Act, Cap 286. Bill is currently in the Senate. 14.The Kenya Roads Bill, 2015 To review, consolidate and rationalize the legal and institutional framework for management of the road network and roads sub sector in a more efficient and effective manner. This Bill is currently in the Senate. 15. The Land Value Index Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016 To amend the Land Act, the Land Registration Act and the Prevention, Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and Affected Communities Act in order to provide for the assessment of land value index in respect of compulsory acquisition of land. The Land Value Index will standardise and harmonize the value of land across the country for the primary purpose of determining Land Rent, Land Rates, Stamp Duty on conveyance of land and compensation of expropriated land. The Bill is currently in the Senate. 16.The Parliamentary Powers and Privileges Bill, 2015 To repeal the existing National Assembly Powers and Privileges Act to align it with the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. Bill is currently in the Senate. 17.The Energy Bill, 2015 Presidential memorandum is currently under consideration by the Senate. 18.The Petroleum (exploration, development and Presidential memorandum is currently under consideration by the Senate.
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