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Kenya Zambia Speakers


Africa is well endowed with sufficient natural resources, human capability and an enthusiastic workforce sufficient for progressive development, said Speaker Wetang’ula.  

Speaking on Monday during a Parliamentary diplomatic engagement with his Zambian counterpart, the Rt. Hon. Nelly Mutti, MP who paid him a courtesy call at Parliament building, Speaker Wetang’ula underpinned the importance of African Parliaments to unite and pull together on legislative matters for a common good.

“Kenya – Zambia share similar historical and political transformation background that must be natured into the realization of a new Africa drawn from the colonial era as experienced by the founding fathers of the two nations; Kenneth David Kaunda and Mzee Jomo Kenyatta”, says Speaker Wetang’ula.

While tracing the historical journey of the two countries, the Speaker indicated that Kenya and Zambia have over the years enjoyed a cordial relationship between the two Parliaments.

“Zambia has been a friend to Kenya, we share a lot in common and both our two countries are tourism destinations hence we still have a lot we can do together given the goodwill and opportunities”, said Speaker Wetang’ula.

Dr. Wetang’ula spoke with nostalgia regarding his visits to the Republic of Zambia describing its people as hospitable and recognizing Zambia host to one of the world wonders; the Mosi Tunya (Victoria) Falls. He pointed out that both Kenya and Zambia are tourism countries that receive a high number of guests across the globe which he said was an advantage for job creation and economic development. 

Speaker Wetang’ula lauded the Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia, the Rt. Hon. Nelly Mutti who he was the first African Speaker to visit the Parliament of Kenya in his tenure as the 8th Speaker of the National Assembly.

Dr. Wetang’ula informed the Zambian delegation led by Speaker Nelly that the House Business Committee (HBC),“The House Business Committee is the ultimate authority of the affairs of the House”.

He added that the HBC is also mandated to prepare and approve the Parliamentary Calendar, oversee the implementation of the business of the House and related programmes and set priority on Houses Business deliberations among other roles.

While highlighting the roles of the National Assembly, the Speaker emphasized that budget making and oversight of government projects were among the cardinal duties of the August House.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia, the Rt. Hon. Nelly Mutti, MP acknowledged the warm gesture that she has received from Speaker Wetang’ula saying that the Zambian delegation is visiting the Parliament of Kenya to learn on the operations of the House Business Committee of the National Assembly of Kenya.

She acknowledged that the two countries have had a cordial bilateral relationship which she said extended to the Parliaments of the two countries; Kenya and Zambia.

She informed the meeting that unlike the Kenyan Parliament, the Zambian Parliament operates in a unicameral system consisting of a total number of one hundred and sixty-seven (167) Members with one hundred and fifty-six (156) elected and eight (8) Members nominated. 

Speaker Nelly further indicated that the House Business Committee of Zambia, is one of the four (4) Housekeeping Committees of the National Assembly of Zambia.

Speaker Nelly said that the Zambian Parliament’s HBC executes duties conferred to it by the House and also considers all matters related to the business of the House including approving the Parliamentary calendar.

“Our coming here is a testament of the good parliamentary relations. Members of Parlaiment and staff of our respective Parliaments have on numerous occasions exchanged visits for purposes of learning and sharing best practices”, said Speaker Nelly.

The two Speakers committed to offer support to members of their respective Houses of Parliaments to engage through exchange programmes.

“We want to take our engagements further and have a fordable friendship group among the members to carry on the work of the work of the two Parliaments”, said Speaker Nelly.

The two Speakers suggested the formation of the Kenya- Zambia Parliamentary Friendship Group which they said will form the basis for further deliberation of Parliamentary business and activities of the two Parliaments for mutual benefit.

Speaker Nelly pointed out that, the House Business Committee of the National Assembly of Zambia is categorized as a House Keeping Committee and is mandated to determine the business to be considered by the House. It is comprised of the leadership of the House and is chaired by the Speaker.

The Zambian delegation is comprised of; Hon. Stafford Mulusa, MP-Government Chief Whip; Hon. Brian Mundubile, MP-  Leader of the Opposition; Hon. Stephen Kampyongo, MP- Whip for the Patriotic Front; Hon. Jay E. Banda, MP- Whip for Independent Members of Parliament; on. Kampamba  Mulenga, MP- Member of the Committee; Hon. Clement Andeleki, MP- Member of the Committee;Mr. Roy Ngulube- Acting Clerk of the National Assembly.

The Kenyan delegation Present in the meeting included: Hon. Robert Mbui, Hon. Omboko Miremba Hon. Silvanus Osoro, Hon. TJ Kajwang’, Hon. Sheikh Kassim and the Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr. Samuel Njoroge.