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Cabinet Secretary of Roads and Transport Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet Secretary of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Soipan Tuya and Cabinet Secretary of Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage Peninah Malonza appeared today before joint Senate Committee on Lands, Environment and Natural Resources Chaired by Nyandarua Senator Sen. John Methu and Committee on Roads, Transport and Housing Chaired by Kiambu Senator Sen. Karungo Thangwa regarding a resolution by the Nyandarua County Assembly to petition the Senate on the Ihithe-Aberdare Forest- Kahuruko- Ndunyu Njeru Road Construction and tarmacking Project.

Pursuant to Senate Standing Orders, at the plenary sittings of the Senate held on Tuesday , 23rd November ,2022, the Honorable Speaker of the Senate delivered to the Senate a massage from the County Assembly of Nyandarua regarding a resolution by the County Assembly to petition the Senate to consult with and initiate approval of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA), the Kenya Forest Services (KFS) and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) on the Ihithe-Aberdare Forest – Kahuruko Ndungu- Njeru Road Construction and tarmacking project.

Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen in his response regarding the part touching on the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) which is the implementing agency in the Ministry of roads told the joint Committee that the project road is approximately 97.8 km long and is situated in Nyeri and Nyadarua Counties. 


The main section starts at Ihithe, takes a South- Westernly course through the Nyayo Tea Zone and enters the Aberdare National Park .The Road the emerge from the park at about 33 km (Muthomo Gete). From this Gate, the roads descends through a series of hair- pin beds to Kahuruko. From Mahuruko, the road descends further and ends at its junction with the Ndunyu Njeru (C69) Road and currently the road is gravelled, and carriageway vary in width between 4-7 metres, the general condition currently varies from fair to poor , with some sections being impassable in the rainy seasons.

Ministry of Roads Cabinet Secretary told the committee that the Consultancy services for Design Review , Tender Documentation and Construction Supervision was awarded to Norken International Ltd. Engineering and Management Consultants on 16th September , 2021 for a period of thirty six (36) months comprising of 12 months for design review and 24 months construction supervision.

On the Consultancy objectives CS Murkomen requested that Government to be provided with sufficient information from studies, investigation, enquiries and designs presented in form of drawings, bills of quantities and reports to enable upgrading of Ihide- Ndunyu Njeru Road and expand/widen the existing junction and provide NMT facilities. The Cabinet Secretary also told the joint committee that the construction of the road will lead to restriction of movement of wildlife species, the species of conservation importance such as Elephant and Rhinos, soil waste littering on the road side is the park and potential noise disturbance on local residence and wildlife population.

In his proposed Mitigation, CS Murkomen proposed construction of underpass at specific locations to allow movement of Elephants, Rhinos and other animals across the Landscape, specific location with biodiversity hotspot will be allowed for designated truck parking and Inspection to be done of vehicles and personnel with weapons when getting to the work zone.

On the estimated cost (Infrastructure Only) the Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen explained to the joint Committee that Consultant Supervision Cost- 250 Million, Procurement/Construction (Workers Contract) cost – 11.6 Billion as per the Consultants’ Engineers’ Estimates that’s will total to 11.85 Billion and currently NEMA is processing the ESIA License in readiness for issuance to KeNHA. 

Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Hon. Peninah Malonza In her submission said that the proposed upgraded road will lead to fragmentation of the Aberdare ecosystem at it will be cut into two, the proposed road upgraded will go through steep climb and descend which are not appropriate for vehicles especially trucks that is supposed to transport goods within the ecosystem and constructing such roads are very expensive. Otherwise the importance of Aberdare ecosystem demands serious consideration before implementing any development that is likely to affect ecosystem services in the area.

Cabinet Secretary Ministry on Environment Climate Change and Forestry Hon. Soipan Tuya in her submission to the joint committee gave two main alternatives routes to the proposed project, the Nyandarua through Olkalau- Nyahururu – Ndaragwa – Ihururu- Nyeri town and route from Ndunyu Njeru-Njanbini – Othaya – Nyeri town.

Cabinet Secretary Soipan confirmed to the Committee that the Ministry through NEMA and KFS remains committed to providing a clean and healthy environment for all through sustainable development and sound environmental protection of natural resources including all our forests. The ministry stands for an all-inclusive process to resolve this matter and is committed to the prayers sought by the Honorable Assembly of Nyandarua to a dialogue among all parties.

The legislatures together with the Cabinet Secretaries resolved to have a site visit soon for proper inspection of the area before the project kicks off.

Other Members in attendance are Sen. (Dr). Steve Lelegwe, Sen. Peris Tobiko, Sen. Johnes Mwaruma, Sen. Chute Mohamed and Sen. Mariam Omar Sheikh.












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