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Hon. Samuel Chepkonga Sworn in as Member of the Parliamentary Service Commission.

Immediate former Ainabkoi MP Hon. Samuel Chepkonga, was this morning sworn in as a member of the Parliamentary Service Commission at a ceremony witnessed by Speaker of the National Assembly, who is also the PSC Chairman, Hon. Justin Muturi.

Hon. Chepkonga was picked after interviews conducted by the commission to fill a position that requires representation of a non- Member of Parliament as per the Constitution. He joins Dr. Lorna Mumelo who represents the other gender as a non Member of Parliament Commissioner, as well.

The Finance Bill, 2018 Referred back to the National Assembly by H.E. the President

On August 30, 2018, the National Assembly passed the Finance Bill, 2018.  Thereafter, the Bill was presented for Assent to H.E. the President in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the National Assembly Standing Orders. However, H. E. the President, by way of a Memorandum, has since referred the Bill back to the National Assembly for reconsideration, pursuant to the provisions of Article 115(1)(b) of the Constitution.

H.E. the President has expressed reservations on—

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