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Nyegenye: Staffers, Let’s do Exciting Things this Session!

Nyegenye: Staffers, Let’s do Exciting Things this Session!

The Clerk of the Senate, Mr Jeremiah Nyegenye has challenged staffers to continuously observe public ethos and values in the discharge of their service to the country.

While delivering the keynote address at the “Fourth Reading”, Nyegenye asked the meeting that brings together about 150 Staff of the Senate, to keep their eyes on the prize: the devolution promise.

“The privileged position we hold in bringing to fruition the devolution project – the heart of the Constitution – should inspire us to do exciting things this session,” said Nyegenye, who is also the Secretary of the Parliamentary Service Commission.

In what he termed as an “important meeting for introspection” the Clerk registered the commendations of the Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon Kenneth Lusaka for the work done by the fraternity of the Senate secretariat.

“As I pass the Speaker’s commendations, we have to be cognizant to the series of events that are likely to have impact on the work of Parliament in this and future Sessions,” Nyegenye noted.

“Counting down to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) conversations and the elections of 2022, it’s imperative that we remain apolitical. So far we’ve been very proud as this is a conversation we’ve not had to have as secretariat.”

This Reading is the fourth annual strategic meeting of the 12th Parliament, which brings together staffers of all Directorates and Departments of the Senate, to review the previous Session and plan for the next. The meeting is of crucial importance as it provides a platform to consider and address challenges that hinder the effective discharge of the House’s legislative, representative and oversight role.