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The National Assembly Departmental Committee on Transport and Infrastructure chaired by Hon. George Kariuki has rejected an amendment that sought to assign additional roles to the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA).  


The Bill that was before the House for First Reading on 15th February, 2023, was subsequently Committed to the Departmental Committee on Transport and Infrastructure for Consideration and reporting to the House.


Speaking during the Plenary, Hon. Kariuki said that the Committee considered the Bill and all the views expressed by the various stakeholders and made the finding that the proposed amendments in the Bill, as formulated, were already provided for in the NTSA Act (2012). 


The Committee however, indicated that the proposed amendment Bill was a result of laxity in implementation, compliance and enforcements of the existing laws and regulations, and not lack of the legal framework. 


In March 2022 the Government launched a national registration of two and three wheeled public service Motorcycles and the same is to be done in the NTSA Portal and there are in existence regulations formulated in 2015 that provide that the motorcycles should have a third party PSV insurance, and for riders to have a valid driving license and operators to be members of a registered body corporate.


"Hon Speaker, in view of those observations the Committee notes that there is no need to legislate on this issue considering there is an already existing framework sufficient to address the issues apprehended by the sponsor of this Bill."

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