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The National Assembly Committee on Regional Integration chairperson Hon. Wanjiku Muhia tabled a Report on the Committee's visit to the Semi-Autonomous institutions of the East Africa Community (EAC) in Arusha, Tanzania in the House. 

The Committee visited four Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs); the EAC Secretariat, the EAC Competition Authority, the EAC Court of Justice, and the Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI).

The purpose of the visit was to appreciate the operations of the EAC organs that provide services in the facilitation of the EAC integration. 

According to the Report, the Committee also needed to establish a basis for awareness creation in the EAC region on the role of the Parliament in the integration process and to enhance a mutual relationship and networking between the National Assembly and EAC organs and institutions.

During their visit, Members observed that the free movement of the EAC-originated goods is frustrated by the persistence of the Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) which is still in place 16 years after the implementation of the Customs Union.

Further, they observed that there is a lack of a legal framework for the elimination of the NTBs due to the delay in the finalization of the amendment of the EAC Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Act (2017), and its Regulations.

“The current financial shortages occasioned by delayed partner State contributions and dwindling development partner support continue to adversely affect the performance of all the EAC institutions thus frustrating the implementation of key projects and programs meant to uplift the lives of East Africans,” read part of the Report.

To solve the challenges hindering the smooth operation of the EAC community, the Committee recommended that all partner States should strive to pay their obligatory contributions which will also ensure a full realization of the aspirations of the community as advocated for in the treaty establishing the EAC.

In addition, the Committee recommended fast-tracking the finalization of the amendment of the EAC Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers Act (2017) and its Regulations.

The Report now awaits debate on the Floor of the House.