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Regional Integration Committee

Regional Integration Committee Inspects Projects in Mombasa and neighboring Regions

The National Assembly Regional Integration  Committee carried out inspection visits to various projects in Mombasa County and other regions in the coastal area.

The delegation led by, Hon. David Ochieng (Ugenya), visited Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) in Mombasa County, Mariakani Weighbridge in Kilifi County and Holili One Stop Border Post in Taita Taveta County.

At KPA, Members had a consultative meeting with KPA Managing Director (MD) Capt. William Ruto. During the meeting, Members sought to know the challenges the ports are experiencing, measures put in place by the management to solve them and how they can step in to help in finding solutions to the issues. Capt. Ruto told the team that despite having a capacity of handling 45million tons of cargo per year, KPA is currently handling 34million tons. He however, assured the Committee that they are course to ensure the port reaches its full capacity of cargo handling.

The delegation established that the presence of many non-tariff barriers in the Northern corridor is hindering the smooth operation of the ports. “In the Northern corridor, from Mombasa to Goma in DRC, we have close to six weighbridges.  This should be reduced to two; one at the entry point and the other at the exit point.,” Cpt. Ruto told the Committee.

The Committee also visited Mariakani Weighbridge where they were taken through the weighbridge operations by Eng. Michael Ngala who is the Assistant Director of Axle Load Control at Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA). According to Eng. Ngala roads are designed to handle loads within certain limits. He called on the Committee to allocate a budget towards installation of virtual weighbridges, saying that they will minimize interactions on border points.

“There is a need to have uniform axle load control measures across all regions. This will help ease our work and ensure that all transit trucks adhere to them,” Eng. Ngala said. At Holili One Stop Border Post, Mr. John Kiilu who manages the Post called on the Committee to push for the tarmacking of Taita-Oloitotok road. He said that this will help open up Holili Taveta as an alternative transit route to the neighboring countries.

“Tarmacking Taveta-Oloitotok road will open up this border post which is in the middle of nowhere and will make it an alternative route to neighboring countries thus creating more revenue,” he said.

The Committee will write a report on the inspection visit. This Report will be tabled in the House for debate.