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The Kenya Seed Company through its Managing Director, Mr. Fred Oloibe has requested for an additional 8000 hectares of land to enhance seed production.

This follows an inspection visit by the National Assembly Committee on Agriculture & Livestock chaired by Dr. John Mutunga.

The legislators accompanied by the Kenya Seed Company Limited MD, Mr. Fred Oloibe toured the facilities and farms in Trans-Nzoia County as part of the Committee's mandate in budget implementation oversight.

Lawmakers learnt that Kenya Seed Company Limited the Government of Kenya through Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) has 52.88% shareholding and the Company is mandated to carry out focused research, promote and facilitate production of high yielding, better quality certified seed to farmers and stakeholders.

During the engagement, Members of the Committee on Agriculture raised concerns on the measures taken to curb the proliferation of fake seeds in the market that give low yields, the apparent lack of public education of products and services offered by the Kenya Seed Company and the status of Corporate Social Responsibility projects within the local community.

While making his submissions, Mr. Fred Oloibe informed the Committee that the Company is currently planting on 7000 hectares of land and requires 8000 more hectares to enhance seed production.

Lawmakers were further informed that regulation on seed certification standards are managed in partnership with Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service and in accordance with regional and international seed production and trade provisions.

Documents before the Committee revealed that the Kenya Seed Company has incorporated subsidiaries namely Simlaw Seed Kenya, Simlaw Seed Uganda, Kibo Seed Company Ltd and Kenya Seed Rwanda with plants to venture into the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Members of the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock underscored the role of Kenya Seed Company Ltd in enhancing food security. Lawmakers observed that more land should be set aside to enhance seed production, the Company should explore new areas of seed production locally and regionally, expansion of irrigation infrastructure to reduce dependence on rainfall.

The Committee on Agriculture and Livestock is expected to conduct further inspection visits to Sugar Factories within the Western Kenya region as part of public participation on the Sugar Bill which is currently before the Committee.

Members present during the visit are Hon. Dr. John Mutunga, Hon. Brighton Yegon, Hon. Pamela Njoki, Hon. Ferdinand Wanyonyi, Hon. Justice Kemei, Hon. Jared Okello, Hon. Geoffrey Odanga, Hon. David Kiplagat, Hon. Yusuf Farah and  Hon. Patrick Osero.