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Governor Waiguru Hearing at the Senate Kicks Off

Governor Waiguru Hearing at the Senate Kicks Off

The Special Committee on the Removal from Office, by impeachment, of the Governor of Kirinyaga County chaired by Sen Cleophas Malalah, Tuesday began hearings to make a determination on the charges leveled against her by the County Assembly of Kirinyaga.


At the crux of the impeachment trial are charges against Kirinyaga Governor, Hon Anne Waiguru which were recited at the initialization by the Director of Legal Services in the Senate, Dr Johnson Okello. The charges leveled against her by the County Assembly of Kirinyaga include: Gross Violation of the Constitution & Abuse of Office and Gross Misconduct.


The morning session set the stage for the two-day hearing where the 11-member Senate Committee, who in essence are serving as jurors in this inquiry, heard Opening Statements on behalf of both the County Assembly and the Governor.


In its opening statement the County Assembly submitted that at the end of the investigation, they’ll adduce evidence that demonstrates that the Governor was in breach of her fiduciary duty to the people of Kirinyaga County.


“At the fullness of time this House will believe in our story, that we are acting in good faith to protect public finances and the Constitution of Kenya,” said Ndegwa Njiru, lead Counsel of the Assembly.


The Governor who appeared in person made opening remarks, yielding the remainder of her time with Counsel.


In her remarks, Hon Waiguru faulted her impeachment noting that the Senate ought to ensure that an impeachment process is not used to achieve collateral political purposes or push personal agendas, and it is not calculated to scandalize, embarrass, malign and or defame an individual.


“Unfortunately what is before you is in every respect false, unfounded and salacious allegations, which have no place in an impeachment motion,” Hon Waiguru submitted.


Sen Malalah reaffirmed the Senate’s commitment to impartially hear the trial.


“The Special Committee wishes to emphasize that it is cognizant of the gravity of the matter with which it is seized and that it has accorded all parties to the proceedings the right to be heard and shall accord the parties a fair hearing,” said the Chairperson.


Having heard the presentation of the case by the County Assembly, Tuesday afternoon through evidence of witnesses, the Senate shall Wednesday 24th June, 2020, hear the case as presented by the Governor before retreating to prepare its report and tabling it on the floor at a Special Sitting of the Senate, Friday 26th June.


Other members of the committee include: Sen. Abshiro Halake (Vice-chair), Sen. Michael Mbito, Sen Mwangi Paul Githiomi, Sen. Beth Mugo, Sen. Anuar Loitiptip, Sen. Philip Mpaayei, Sen. Beatrice Kwamboka, Sen. Stewart Madzayo, Sen. Judith Pareno and Sen. Moses Kajwang’.