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Petition concerning environmental degradation and irregular dumping of landfill in kajulu kisumu east
Petition concerning enactment of a single legislation on the protection and sust mgt of water resources
Petition concerning double taxation by pharmacies in Kenya
Petition concerning disruption of local trade by government action and sanctions
Petition concerning deteriorating health care services in west pokot county
Petition concerning delayed payment to suppliers of commodities to public secondary schs during the 1st term academic yr 2020
Petition concerning delayed compensation in respect of eldoret town by-pass road project
Petition concerning delayed compensation for persons injured-death caused by wildlife
Petition concerning corruption and violation of laws by the Bungoma CG
Petition concerning connective tissue disorders association on challenges facing individuals facing CTDD
Petition concerning complain in regard to bomu hospital mkomani clinic society
Petition concerning compensation provision of relief and resettlment of persons evicted from Marmanet Forest in 1988
Petition concerning compensation of land owners affected by construction of kibwezi-kitui-kabati-migwani B7 road
Petition concerning compensation for parcels of land in utheri wa lari to be compulsorily acquired by govt to pave way for SGR
Petition concerning compensation and resettlement of persons affected by the rehabilitation and capacity enhancement of james gi
Petition concerning closure of kyuso level iv hospital
Petition concerning clearances required by the public service boards on application for jobs in Kenya
Petition concerning CBK to establish bank notes coins that visually impaired and the blind persons can identify
Petition concerning Article 37 &119 of the constitution to petition MoE to review the basic education framework
Petition concerning appropriate and urgent remediation, restoration and reinstatement of the residents of thange river basin, th
Petition concerning amendment of the coat of arms and the public seal
Petition concerning allocation of Karare land in Marsabit county to KDF
Petition concerning alleged irregular redeployment from the dept of finance and econ plg to the dept of edu youth...tharaka nith
Petition concerning alleged impending evictions of Msambweni residents by a private company
Petition concerning alleged encroachment of land belonging to Mkamenyi residents by voi point limited in taita taveta county

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