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DHAKA, Bangladesh - 3 April, 2017

DHAKA, Bangladesh - 3 April, 2017. Global action on the drought and famine situation received a major boost yesterday when a proposal for Emergency Motion on Urgent international action to save millions of people from famine and drought in parts of Africa and Yemen was adopted for debate at the Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) currently taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh that brings together about 700 legislators from 132 countries.

Ethuro tells Developed Nations

DHAKA, Bangladesh - 3 April, 2017. Global action on the drought and famine situation received a major boost yesterday when a proposal for Emergency Motion on Urgent international action to save millions of people from famine and drought in parts of Africa and Yemen was adopted for debate at the Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) currently taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh that brings together about 700 legislators from 132 countries.

Walk the Talk on Humanitarian Support, Ethuro tells Developed Nations

DHAKA, Bangladesh - 3 April, 2017. Global action on the drought and famine situation received a major boost yesterday when a proposal for Emergency Motion on Urgent international action to save millions of people from famine and drought in parts of Africa and Yemen was adopted for debate at the Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) currently taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh that brings together about 700 legislators from 132 countries.

The National Assembly Prioritizes Key Business Ahead Of Elections

In view of the short time remaining before the next General Elections, the House Business Committee of the National Assembly has prioritised to conclude the following -

1. Approval of the Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2017/2018 and the Medium Term.
2. The Division of Revenue Bill, 2017 and the CountyAllocation of Revenue Bill, 2017.
3. Consideration all Election-Related Regulations, including-
(i) The proposed Elections (Technology) Regulations, 2017;
(ii) The proposed Elections (Voter Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2017;

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