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Public Participation

Public Participation: Crucial Cog in Legislation and Advancing Democracy

NAKURU | 19th September, 2018 - The Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon Kenneth Lusaka has said that public participation is a critical pillar of the Kenyan Constitution.

Speaking at Kabarak University's School of Law in Nakuru County, Lusaka noted that a framework for public participation must be realized.

"The Senate is currently processing the Public Participation Bill sponsored by Sen Amos Wako to ensure expectations of the framers of the Constitution and indeed Kenyans as a whole is realized," said Lusaka.

Senate Minority Whip, Mutula Kilonzo Jr (Makueni) who co-lectured with the Speaker cited Makueni as a model County that has entrenched public participation.

"We need to move beyond the rubber-stamping kind of public participation that has been going on," said the Minority Whip.

"As we work on the framework I must say from the outset how important it is to have public participation conducted in a language spoken amongst the locals. You will realize just how intelligent the residents are."

The lecture was a precursor to the Kabarak Law School International Conference 2018 that shall commence next week.