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The Senate Speaker Rt. Hon. Amason Jeffah Kingi, EGH, Mp today officially opened an Induction and Retreat for the Senate leadership and the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association (KPJA) in Mombasa County.

Speaking during the opening session, Speaker Kingi said there is need for the Senate to work closely with various stakeholders key among them Media for it to discharge its mandate effectively.

β€œOne of the partners who have stood out resolutely in this regard is the Media or the Fourth Estate, represented here today by members and officials of Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association (KPJA),” explained Speaker Kingi.

He commended the journalists for the contribution they have made so far in the implementation of devolution.

β€œIt is on record that you have tirelessly discharged your duties, evaluating the implementation of Devolution, holding all stakeholders, particularly the county governments, to account and advocating prudent utilization of public funds,” said Hon. Kingi.

β€œIn the same vein, the media has served as a vital pipeline for feedback from the grassroots to the Senate, on how Devolution is impacting the lives of Kenyans, in line with Chapter 11 of our Constitution,” he added.

Hon. Kingi who is the patron of KPJA expressed his appreciation to the journalists for being key allies in the execution of Senate`s mandate assuring them of his unwavering support.

β€œI give you my assurance that under my watch as Speaker of the 4th Senate, we will nurture this partnership and fully exploit it in the interest of our people, we must make interaction between us the norm and not the exception, to ensure journalists assigned to cover the Senate and Parliament get the requisite support and space to work effectively,” emphasized Speaker Kingi.

He further challenged the media practitioners to use the great influence on their platforms to spearhead public awareness campaigns on climate mitigation and the need to build resilience among Kenyans for survival.

The Minority Leader Sen. (Rtd) Justice Stewart Madzayo, CBS reminded journalists that they have a huge responsibility in Kenya of ensuring that the country does not go astray by boldly highlighting any ills in the running of the nation.

β€œI want to appeal to you to be on the forefront boldly and highlight these issues, things should not happen the way they are happening at the moment in this country,” said Sen. Madzayo.

Sen. Madzayo reiterated the need for journalists to work closely with the Senate, although advised them to stick to the ethical values of their profession as they discharge their duties.

He commended the Media for objectively covering the happenings and operations in the three arms of government.

He further advised the Media to be alert and cover voting on vital issues in Parliament for Kenyans to understand the nature of the leaders they voted for as that will form part of citizens’ scorecard during elections.

His sentiments were echoed by Senator Veronica Maina who appealed to the journalists to discharge their duties professionally assuring them of support from the members.

Clerk of the Senate and Secretary, Parliamentary Service Commission Jeremiah Nyegenye, CBS in his opening speech said the Senate will continue holding regular engagements with the Media as such engagements will offer a wonderful platform to review the working relationship between the House and Media.

β€œAs we continue to serve the 4th Senate, we will strive to ensure annual engagements with the KPJA so as to strengthen our partnership and working relationship,” said Mr.Nyegenye.

β€œAs you are aware the role of the Mass Media in the Legislative Agenda is enshrined in Articles 34, 35 and 118 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, which provide for the Freedom of the Media, Right to Information and Public Participation, respectively, at the Senate, we shall continue to uphold this Constitutional obligation and to facilitate you to exercise it,” he added.

He guided journalists to come up with appropriate ways that will help them perform their duties well for the benefit of Kenyans.

β€œAs Parliamentary reporters you have to develop capacity for generation of information to facilitate public understanding of parliamentary business in developing legislation and carrying oversight over the Executive both at the National Level and at the County,” urged Mr. Nyegenye.

β€œHowever, this can only remain an opaque dream, if Parliamentary reporters fail to embrace requisite research to facilitate their understanding of Parliamentary procedures and practices as well as the Parliamentary legislative agenda,” he challenged the journalists.

KPJA Chairperson and NTV reporter Duncan Khaemba who addressed participants on behalf of the Association appealed to the Senate to facilitate easy entry of journalists to Parliament to carry out their duties effectively.

He said as journalists, they are determined to carry out their duties objectively adding that despite seeking for a good working relationship with the Senate, the media will keep its autonomy and execute their mandate boldly and independently.

They urged the Senate Speaker to intervene and remove or minimize completely the in camera meetings by Senate committees to allow journalists access vital information that will aid them in discharging their mandate.

The retreat has brought together all Media Relations Officers working in the Senate and over 30 journalists covering parliament who are members of the Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association that was inaugurated in 2007.

The objectives of the retreat is to among others create a platform for interaction between the Leadership of the Senate and officials and members of Kenya Parliamentary Journalists Association, discuss the coverage and visibility of the Senate in the Mass Media, especially in the post-Covid duration, deliberate on role of Senate Committees and opportunities for coverage in the Media and interrogation key emerging issues in the Senate Legislative calendar that would be of interest to the Media.

Participants will also use the retreat to share insights on Access to Information and Media Freedom besides discussing the place and role of vernacular media in the coverage of Senate activities and operations.

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