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Clerk of The Senate

Mr. Jeremiah M. Nyegenye, CBS is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a Certified Public Secretary. He is a member of the Law Society of Kenya, the Institute of Certified Secretaries of Kenya, and the Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists. Mr. Nyegenye is a member of the East African Law Society and the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel.

Speaker of the Senate

The Right Honourable Amason Jeffah Kingi, EGH,  Speaker of the Senate, Republic of Kenya is a lawyer by profession, an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a member of the Law Society of Kenya. He holds a Law Degree (LLB) from the University of Nairobi and a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.

Standing Committees

The Standing Committees shall be as set out in the Second Schedule of the Standing Orders. Standing Order 208 provides for the establishment of Standing Committees whose members are appointed by the Rules and Business Committee in consultation with parliamentary parties/ coalitions at the commencement of every Parliament. A Senator appointed to a Standing Committee at the commencement of a Parliament or at any other time during the term of that Parliament shall, unless the Senate otherwise resolve, serve for the term of that Parliament.

About the Senate

Historical perspective

Prior to the commencement of Legislation by Parliament in Kenya, legislation had wholly been done in the United Kingdom (UK) and conveyed in form of royal instructions commonly termed Orders-in-Council

About the Senate

Role of the Senate.

  1. The Senate represents the counties, and serves to protect the interests of the counties and their governments.
  2. The Senate participates in the law-making function of Parliament by considering, debating and approving Bills concerning counties, as provided in Articles 109 to 113.
  3. The Senate determines the allocation of national revenue among counties, as provided in Article 217, and exercises oversight over national revenue allocated to the county governments.
  4. The Senate participates in the oversight of State officers
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