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House Business Committee

Established under the provisions of S.O. No. 171, the House Business Committee consists of: -

Committee on Delegated Legislation

The Committee on Delegated Legislation is established pursuant to the provisions of S.O. No 210.

Whenever a statutory instrument is submitted to the Assembly pursuant the Constitution, any law or these Standing Orders, the statutory instrument shall, unless a contrary intention appears in the relevant legislation, be laid before the Assembly by the Chair of the relevant Departmental Committee, or any other member and shall thereafter stand referred to the Committee on Delegated Legislation.

The Committee shall consider in respect of any statutory instrument whether it-

Committee on Implementation

The Committee on Implementation is established pursuant to the provisions of S.O. No. 209 and is charged with the responsibility of scrutinizing the resolutions of the House (including adopted committee reports), petitions and the undertakings given by the National Executive and examine: –

Budget and Appropriations Committee

The Budget and Appropriations Committee is established pursuant to the provisions of S.O. No. 207. It consists of a chairperson, and not more than fifty other Members.

(3) The functions of the Committee shall be to-

Public Investments Committee

The Public Investments Committee is constituted pursuant to the provisions of S.O. No 206 and is responsible for the examination of the working of the public investments.

It consists of a chairperson and not more than sixteen other Members.

The Public Investments Committee elects a chairperson and vice-chairperson from amongst its members.

The Public Investments Committee constituted immediately following the general elections shall serve for a period of three calendar years and that constituted thereafter shall serve for the remainder of the parliamentary term.

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