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Ethuro tells Developed Nations

DHAKA, Bangladesh - 3 April, 2017. Global action on the drought and famine situation received a major boost yesterday when a proposal for Emergency Motion on Urgent international action to save millions of people from famine and drought in parts of Africa and Yemen was adopted for debate at the Assembly of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU) currently taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh that brings together about 700 legislators from 132 countries.

Committee on Selection

The Committee on Selection is established pursuant to the provisions of S.O. No. 172 and it consists of the Leader of the Majority party who is the chairperson, the Leader of the Minority party, not less than eleven and not more than nineteen members, who are nominated by parliamentary parties and approved by the House

The Committee on Selection nominates members to serve in Committees, save for the membership of the House Business Committee and Committee on Appointments.

The Committee on Selection is appointed within ten days on assembly of a new House.

Liaison Committee

The Liaison Committee is established under the provisions of S.O. No. 217 and consists of the Deputy Speaker as chairperson, a member of the Speaker’s Panel who is also the First Chairperson of Committees who shall be the Vice-chairperson and the chairpersons of all committees of the House.

The Liaison Committee shall-

Procedure and House Rules Committee

The Procedure and House Rules Committee may propose rules for the orderly and effective conduct of committee business and any such rules, shall upon approval by the House, continue in force until amended or repealed by the House.

Any rules approved under paragraph (5) shall be annexed to the Standing Orders and shall be binding upon Committees to the same extent as these Standing Orders.

House Business Committee

Established under the provisions of S.O. No. 171, the House Business Committee consists of: -

  • the Speaker (chairperson);
  • the Leader of the Majority Party;
  • the Leader of the Minority Party; and

not less than twenty one and not more than twenty-nine members, nominated by parliamentary parties and approved by the House at the commencement of every Session, reflecting the relative majorities of the seats held by each of the parliamentary parties in the National Assembly and taking into consideration the interests of Independents.

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