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Speaker Amason Kingi today hosted Australian Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tim Witts who is in Kenya on official tour.

The two leaders discussed issues of mutual interest affecting the two countries, ranging from gender parity, security and education exchange programmes.

Speaker Kingi said although gender principle is enshrined in the constitution, effecting the constitutional principle of two thirds rule is not easy.

"We haven't as a country hit the constitutional threshold on gender parity," the Speaker told the Assistant Minister.

Mr. Witts had sought an opinion from the Speaker on the performance of women candidates in the 2022 general electon.

The number of women elected in a single member constituencies rose to 29 in 2022 from 23 in 2017.

The number of elected governors rose to 7 in 2022 from just 3 in 2017.

Women received additional slots when they were nominated through special seats.

"Despite the attempts to nominate women to parliament we have fallen short. It is work in progress. We are determined to achieve the gender parity principle."

He however pointed out that the recent surge in the number of elected women representative is proof that the Kenyan voter has come off age.

"The electorate is finally embracing women leadership. This is a good thing and we believe that if the trajectory is maintained there will be no need to nominate them."

The meeting was attended by the two deputy Speakers; Sen. Kathuri Murungi (senate) and Gladys Shollei of the national assembly.

Ms. Shollei likened the growth of women numbers elected to parliament to the good work of their predecessors and trust the women leaders have cultivated in the past.

"Many years of affirmative action is finally paying off. We are beginning to reap the benefits as women," Shollei said.

She also informed Mr Witts that parliament is in the process of amending the law to have more women nominated to parliament.

Speaker Kingi said the relationship between the two countries is mutually beneficial and challenged the two countries to leverage on their in relation to the constitutional principle of two thirds gender rule, the role of Senate in legislation and bilateral relations between the two countries.