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Senate, MoFA and EU Ambassadors to establish framework for devolution support

Senate, MoFA and EU Ambassadors to establish framework for devolution support

The Senate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and European Union (EU) have today agreed to form a tripartite taskforce to work on a framework that contributes to the success of devolution.


The development emerged today when the EU Ambassador, HE Stefano Dejak together with MoFA CAS Hon Ababu Namwamba called on the Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon Kenneth Lusaka at his Parliament Buildings Office.


The meeting agreed that the taskforce would be mandated to develop a Medium Term Programme of activities aimed at strengthening devolution in collaboration with 19 EU Member missions in Kenya. In addition, they would also be expected to come up with proposals for enhanced parliamentary diplomacy between Parliament of Kenya and EU Parliament.


“This framework will need to consider regional economic blocs and having them firmly in place. By avoiding replication, counties from each regional bloc can focus on their individual strengths while leveraging on the strengths of other countries,” Speaker Lusaka remarked.


“This is one way counties can become more lucrative and tap into the international market. A roundtable steered by the Senate, MoFA and EU Ambassadors comprising the Council of Governors will be the first step in charting the way forward for the taskforce.”


On his part, CAS Hon Namwamba noted that the Medium Term Programme would need to be aligned with the Big Four Agenda.


“Our compass is now the Big Four. It is important to have the taskforce align plans for strengthening devolution with the country’s roadmap. Working with the counties through the County Assemblies Forum (CAF) will be important,” Hon Namwamba observed.


HE Dejak, who is Head of Delegation of the 19 EU member missions in Kenya, told the meeting that the Union was keen to cooperate with counties through an established and structured framework.


“We currently stand as the largest consumer of Kenya’s exports at 27 percent. We are ready to advance our cooperation in terms of development aid, business focus through the regional blocs and give you ready market,” HE Dejak said.


HE Dejak also presented the Final Report of 2017 General Election by the EU Observation Mission to Speaker Lusaka.

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