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Historical perspective

A Comparative Analysis of the Senate at Independence and The Senate under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010

COMPOSITION41 Senators47 elected Senators; 16 nominated women; 2 youth, 2 people representing people with disabilities; the Speaker as an Ex-officio member
REPRESENTATION40 districts and Nairobi Area 47 Counties
LENGTH OF TERM6 years5 years
ELECTION PROCESSElected by adult suffrage47 elected by adult suffrage and 20 nominated on the basis of proportional representation by party lists
  1. Safeguard the autonomy of the regional governments (Majimbo) and protect the interests of the various regions.
  2. Oversight of the Government
  3. Safeguard the 1962 Lancaster Constitution as some amendments to it required approval of up to 90% and others 75% of Senators
  4. Imposition of a State of emergency which required approval of 65% of Senators
  1. Represents the Counties and protects the interests of the County
  2. Considers, debates and approves Bills concerning Counties
  3. Determines allocation of revenue among Counties
  4. Exercises oversight over national revenue allocated to Counties
  5. Oversight of State officers by determining a resolution to impeach the President or Deputy President
  6. Passes resolutions to alter the boundaries of a County
  1. Legislate- originate Bills except for money Bills.
  2. Scrutinize Bills that originated from the House of Representatives.
  1. Legislate- originates a Bill concerning County Governments (Bill containing provisions affecting the functions and powers of the county governments, relating to elections of members of a county assembly/executive, affecting the finances of county governments)
  2. Originate special and ordinary Bills concerning county governments
  3. Scrutinize Bills from the National Assembly concerning county governments
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