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Following the Gazette Notice No. 2641 Dated 27th February, 2023, whereby the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces H.E. Dr. William Samoei Ruto, PhD, C.G.H., appointed Mr. Bethuel Sugut (Nominated by Parliamentary Service Commission), Ms. Novince Euralia Atieno (Nominated by Parliamentary Service Commission), Ms. Charity S. Kisotu (Nominated by Public Service Commission), Mr. Evans Misati James (Nominated by Political Parties Liaison Committee), Mr. Benson Ngugi Njeri (Nominated by The Law Society of Kenya), Dr. Nelson Makanda (Nominated by Inter-religious Council of Kenya) and Ms. Fatuma Saman (Nominated by Inter-religious Council of Kenya) to be Members of the Selection Panel for the Recruitment of Nominees for Appointment as the Chairperson and Members of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), today 2nd March 2023, took an Oath of Office at the Supreme Court, before the Chief Justice of Kenya Hon. Lady Justice Martha Karambu Koome. 

Lady Justice Koome, Congratulated the Members of the Selection Panel for assuming office and reminded them that they are at the Service of Kenyans and must therefore discharge their mandate fairly and in accordance with the Constitution. The Lady Justice further urged the Members to ensure that Kenyans have an Electoral Body that will perform their functions faithfully, impartially and independently.

Thereafter, the Members of the Selection Panel were Congratulated and Welcomed by the Deputy Clerk of the National Assembly Mr. Jeremiah Ndombi, MBS, (also on behalf of the Clerk of the Senate, Secretary to the Parliamentary Service Commission Mr. Jeremiah Nyegenye, CBS).

Mr. Ndombi, who is the Chairman and Lead Coordinator to the Secretariat of the Selection Panel, advised Members that Parliament would provide professional Secretariat functions and services to ensure the effective execution and discharge of their core mandate. Deputy Clerk Ndombi advised the Members that the first agenda in their in-tray according to law after assumption of office, is the Selection of a Chair and Vice Chair for the Selection Panel.