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Mandate and Classification

1.Committees are a vital tool or organ in the working processes of Legislatures, without which, the proceedings of a Legislature could grind to a halt for the sheer volume of activities that would have to be considered at Plenary. Committees are agents, which enable Legislatures to organize their work in such a way as to perform numerous activities simultaneously and expeditiously. These include matters such as:

The Speaker

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The Hon. Speaker J.B. Muturi

Honourable Muturi has served Kenyans in the Judiciary for than 15 years, where he rose up the ranks to retire as a Principal Magistrate in 1997.

Offices of the National Assembly

    The Speaker 

    The Speaker is an ex-officio Member of Parliament elected by other Members of Parliament pursuant to Article 106 of the Constitution, which provides that there shall be a Speaker for each House of Parliament, who shall be elected by that House in accordance with the Standing Orders, from among persons who are qualified to be elected as members of Parliament but are not such members.

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