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The Agriculture and Food Authority ( Amendment ) Bill, 2023
The Agriculture and Food Authority ( Amendment ) Bill, 2023
The Equalisation Fund ( Administration ) Bill, 2023
The Equalisation Fund ( Administration ) Bill, 2023
The Prevention of Livestock and Produce Theft Bill, 2023
The Prevention of Livestock and Produce Theft Bill, 2023
The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration ( Amendment) Bill, 2023
The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration ( Amendment) Bill, 2023
The Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2023
The Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2023
The County Boundaries Bill, 2023
The County Boundaries Bill, 2023
The Coffee Bill, 2023
The Coffee Bill, 2023
The Kenyan Sign Language Bill, 2023
The Kenyan Sign Language Bill, 2023
The Heritage and Museums Bill, 2023
The Heritage and Museums Bill, 2023
The Cotton Industry Development Bill, 2023
The Cotton Industry Development Bill, 2023
The Tea ( Amendment) Bill, 2023
The Tea ( Amendment) Bill, 2023
The Prompt Payment Bill, 2022
The Prompt Payment Bill, 2022
The Office of the County Printer Bill, 2022
The Office of the County Printer Bill, 2022
The Konza Technopolis Bill, 2023
The Konza Technopolis Bill, 2023
The Employment ( Amendment) Bill, 2022
The Employment ( Amendment) Bill, 2022
The County Licensing ( Uniform Procedures) Bill, 2022
The County Licensing ( Uniform Procedures) Bill, 2022
The Equalization Fund Appropriation Bill, 2023
The Equalization Fund Appropriation Bill, 2023
The Learners with Disabilities Bill, 2023
The Learners with Disabilities Bill, 2023
SEN The Mung Beans Bill, 2022
The Mung Beans Bill, 2022
SEN The Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services Bill, 2022
The Agricultural and Livestock Extension Services Bill, 2022
SEN The Startup Bill, 2022
The Startup Bill, 2022
The Preservation of Human Dignity and Enforcement of Economic and Social Rights Bill, 2022
The Preservation of Human Dignity and Enforcement of Economic and Social Rights Bill, 2022
The Natural Resources ( Benefit Sharing) Bill, 2022
The Natural Resources ( Benefit Sharing) Bill, 2022
The Parliamentary Powers and Privileges ( Amendment) Bill, 2022
The Parliamentary Powers and Privileges ( Amendment) Bill, 2022
Bills Digest County Vocational Bill, 2022 SEN The County Vocational Education and Training Bill, 2022
The County Vocational Education and Training Bill, 2022
Bills Digest County Vocational Bill, 2022
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