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Sessional Committee on Implementation

Sessional Committee on Implementation- to scrutinize the resolutions of the Senate (including adopted committee reports), petitions and formal undertakings given by the National Executive and examine -

Sessional Committee on County Public Accounts and Investments

Sessional Committee on County Public Accounts and Investments: - to execute the mandate of the Senate pursuant to the provisions of Article 96 (3), to exercise oversight over national revenue allocated to county governments. The relevant enabling provisions are Articles 228 (6), 229(7, 8).

Sessional Committees

Sessional Committees are established pursuant to provisions of Standing Order 210 and their members are nominated by the Rules and Business Committee in consultation with parliamentary parties/ coalitions at the commencement of every Session. The term Session means the sittings of the Senate commencing when it first meets after a General Election or on a day provided for in Standing Order 27 (Regular sessions of the Senate) and terminating when the Senate adjourns at the end of a calendar year or at the expiry of the term of Parliament. They include:-

Standing Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget

  • Standing Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget (which shall consist of a Chairperson, and not more than fifteen other Members) to investigate, inquire into and report on all matters relating to coordination, control and monitoring of the county budgets and to -
    1. discuss and review the estimates of County Governments and make recommendations to the Senate;
    2. examine the Budget Policy Statement presented to the Senate;
    3. examine and report on the Budget allocated to constitutional Commissions and independent offices;
    4. examine Bills re
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