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Legal Services

(1)     Establishment of the Directorate

The Directorate of Legal Services in the Senate was established in October, 2012 in line with the Organogram approved by of the Parliamentary Service Commission, in preparation for the new bicameral Parliament established by the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.

Hansard Department

The Hansard  is an office  responsible for the records of proceedings of the Senate and its Committees. The Hansard Editor is also the official archivist for the Senate in charge of custody of all Journals, Reports, Papers, Magazines and Senate Proceedings. The duties and responsibilities of the Hansard Editor include:-

Committee Services

The mandate of the Directorate of Committees Services of the Senate is to provide administrative services to various types of committees. It also facilitates various types of Senate committees to discharge their mandates. The specific roles and functions of the Directorate of Committees include:

Legislative and Procedural Services

The Director, Legislative and Procedural Services is the administrative services head for the procedure and business of the Senate.

Duties and responsibilities for the Director include:-

Coordination and supervision of the functions and operations of the Directorate of Legislative and Procedural Services of the Senate; and responsible to the Clerk of the Senate for:-

Senate, MoFA and EU Ambassadors to establish framework for devolution support

The Senate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and European Union (EU) have today agreed to form a tripartite taskforce to work on a framework that contributes to the success of devolution.


The development emerged today when the EU Ambassador, HE Stefano Dejak together with MoFA CAS Hon Ababu Namwamba called on the Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon Kenneth Lusaka at his Parliament Buildings Office.


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