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Senate Sittings in Kitui County, 16th to 20th September, 2019

Pursuant to Article 126(1) that states that a sitting of either House may be held at any place within Kenya and may commence at any time that the House appoints, the Senate on 13th June, 2019, resolved that the Senate holds its plenary and committee sittings in Kitui County from 16th to 20th September, 2019.  The resolution to hold a sitting of the Senate outside Nairobi was made with the following specific

Kenya leads CPA Parliamentary Forum in Condemning the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa

The Kenyan Delegation  attending the 50th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Africa Region Conference in Zanzibar, Tanzania, this morning led other regional legislators in strongly condemning the wave of anti-foreigner violence that has hit the South African Capital, Johannesburg among other cities in the country.The violence that broke out in Jeppestown, Johannesburg on September 1, has led to several deaths and massive destruction of property.

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