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UK High Commissioner pays Speaker Lusaka Courtesy Call

The United Kingdom pledged to strengthen areas of cooperation with the Kenyan Senate headed by the Speaker, Kenneth Lusaka.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on the Senate Speaker, UK High Commissioner to Kenya, HE Nic Hailey noted that his country greatly supported devolution.

“We are great supporters of the devolution process and I dare say there can be no better man for the Senate Speaker position.  Having ascended from being a Governor you have a unique grasp of county affairs and can effectively bridge the gap,” noted Hailey.

Senate Committees

  1. Committees are a vital tool or organ in the working processes of Legislatures, without which, the proceedings of a Legislature could grind to a halt for the sheer volume of activities that would have to be considered at Plenary. Committees are agents, which enable Legislatures to organize their work in such a way as to perform numerous activities simultaneously and expeditiously.

Speaker Lusaka hosts Machakos Assembly Board on Chamber Benchmark Visit

The Speaker of the Senate, Sen Kenneth Lusaka today hosted a delegation of the Machakos County Assembly Service Board led by County Speaker Hon Florence Mwangangi – who called on him at his Parliament Buildings Office.

The Board was on a benchmarking tour of the Senate chamber and facilities as it is in the process of designing and planning for the constructing of a modern chamber. The Assembly holds its sittings at refurbished debating halls of the defunct county council.


Speaker Lusaka urges committee chairs to promote bipartisanship

The Speaker of the Senate, Rt Hon Sen Kenneth Lusaka has called on Senate Committee Chairpersons to carry out their leadership roles in a bipartisan manner.

Speaking earlier today when he made his keynote address at the Senate Liaison Committee Induction Workshop in Mombasa, Speaker Lusaka told the 12 Committee Chairpersons present that the success of their Committees – and by extension the Senate – would be determined by the great leadership they provide.

Speaker Lusaka meets Jordanian Ambassador to Kenya

The Speaker of the Senate, Sen Kenneth Lusaka today met with the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H.E. Dr Slaiman Arabiat

Speaker Lusaka told Amb Arabiat – who called on him at his Parliament Buildings Office – that Kenya considers Jordan a diplomatic, economic and strategic partner.

“We are proud of our privileged relationship with Jordan which only recently opened its mission in Kenya. While our main area of cooperation has been agricultural trade this has extended to military cooperation as well,” Speaker Lusaka observed.

Indian High Commissioner pays a courtesy call on Speaker Lusaka

Senate Speaker Sen Kenneth Lusaka today met HE Suchitra Durai, the High Commissioner of India to Kenya who called on him at his Parliament Buildings Office.

At the meeting, Speaker Lusaka told the High Commissioner that there was need for Kenya and India to deepen cooperation especially on health and capacity development.

“India has enjoyed a lot of medical tourism from the Kenyan people – with focus being on treatment using modern medicine. I however believe that Kenya can learn a lot from India on traditional medicine,” observed the Senate Speaker.

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