The 3 day programme will expose Legislators serving in Implementation Committees to processes through which they can better monitor and oversight matters under their oversight mandate.
Globally, Monitoring and Evaluation are complementary and essential in the oversight work of a legislator. Despite the legislator depending on reports generated by other mandated bodies to monitor progress of public projects, an understanding of the processes and tools of M and E is vital for a legislator. Indeed, such knowledge will empower the office of the legislator to comprehend reports envisaged and guide in accurate evidence-based decision making by the legislator. The understanding of such reports and the subsequent processing of the same leads to recommendations by the Assembly. The Implementation Committee in the Assembly is the Committee mandated to follow-up on the recommendations adopted by the Assembly as well as other resolutions. It also mandated to ensure implementation of laws and executive commitments to the House. The continuous capacity enhancement of the Implementation Committees will strengthen their oversight capabilities over House resolutions.
At the end of this Programme, the participant should be able to;
The target group for this course is members of Assembly Implementation Committees.
The programme will include the following content:
Tenets of effective implementation Committees;
Limitation of Mandate to avoid clash with sectoral committees;
Monitoring and Implementation Framework; and
Procedures in ensuring Compliance with Assembly resolutions; and
Work planning
The participants will acquire skills to undertake effective M & E in the legislator
The Participants will develop the capabilities to better utilize monitoring reports in decision making and oversighting implementation of Assembly resolutions and
The Participant will acquire skills of designing a basic M & E tooll for Oversight.