The Parliamentary Service Commission Regulations, 2011, which were gazetted in Legal Notice No. 95 of July 22, 2011, vest the management of the Centre in a Board which is responsible for the policy direction of the Centre.
Currently, the CPST Board is comprised of the Chairperson, The Hon.Rachel Ameso CBS, Members: The Sen. Joyce Korir CBS, The Hon. Patrick Makau King'ola CBS, The Hon.Mishi Juma Khamisi Mboko,The Hon. Faith Wairimu Gitau CBS, The Sen. Wahome Wamatinga, The Clerk of Senate, Mr. Jeremiah Nyegenye CBS, the Clerk of National Assembly, Mr. Samuel Njoroge CBS, The Director General PJS, Mr. Clement Nyandiere EBS and Prof. Nyokabi Kamau EBS, Executive Director, CPST who is the Secretary to the Board. There are two directorates, namely, Directorate of Administration and Corporate Affairs, Directorate of Curriculum Development, Training and Research, which is supported by a team of officers in other cadre that bring together a robust technical team that support the entire operations of the institute.