The five-day (5) training will provide the participants with the required skills and confidence to effectively manage events with a blend of appropriate protocol procedures in order to enhance their legislature’s image. The course will provide a comprehensive grounding in event management allowing participants to effectively organize events. This Training will enhance the participants’ soft skills and deepen their understanding of protocol and event management in a Legislature.
In today’s diplomatic world, protocol has become a sophisticated and strategic asset. The protocol guides how we behave socially and interact in specific situations. This positively impacts how people live and work together with less friction caused at a time by barriers in the social-cultural environment in which we operate. Traditionally protocol tended to have a narrow definition and therefore was classified as of operational rather than strategic significance.
In today’s world, protocol is more than escorting visitors and other of persons of precedence in the government and corporate world, it enables people of diverse backgrounds and social orientations to manage today’s complex and cosmopolitan world with ease and finesse. A well -executed event creates a lasting and positive impression on the audience and motivates them to relate in a cordial manner in future.
The target group for this course are Protocol Officers, Public Relations Officers, Communication Officers, Personal Assistants and other staff involved in protocol and handling of VIPs and diplomats.
The Specific topics include:
Increase and strengthen their protocol and etiquette skills in handling dignitaries and VIPs
Acquire skills to navigate today’s culturally diverse work environment
Enhance and identify various tasks in management of events and the human and physical resources required to stage successful events.
Acquire skills to organize events without the help of event coordinators thus saving the organization some money
Schedule and plan an event
Promote acceptable manners and respect for others